I’m fasting. I fast because I want to know God more intimately. I want to know His assignment better. I want His power to carry out what He wants done. I want me to be out of the way and Him to live boldly in me.
What I am learning so far…
1. Pastors are prideful. Based on a conversation I had with a pastor recently I have come to this conclusion. Pastors want a new and improved church. To reach the world for Christ isn’t good enough. To become surrendered followers isn’t good enough. In these conversations you have to have new reasons for church. Things such as “we are here to be creative”, “to generate leaders”, “to cultivate small group communities”, “to live by purpose”, and so forth. What is true is that pastors want to be recognized as being different, special, some how more connected to God with a unique spiritual mission. Why? I asked myself. The answer came in my hunger. We want to be significant and we don’t feel like we can be significant unless we are unique and people are drawn to our uniqueness. How ever you slice it that is pride. We chase after crowds and compromise the essential mission because we want to look good. Am I doing this?
2. I move too fast and pray far too little. As ministry grows the need for discernment, prayer and intentional decisions becomes far more important. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to work very hard to listen to God better. To make decisions in the right time, and to look to do things that are fully endorsed by God. The following formula is going to be a guide after prayer…People first, Programs second, and Buildings third (I believe this is the value system of God). If the choice is between a pastor coming on to help with people, or a new building or technology, we choose the pastor. If the choice is between moving a part time person to full time or expanding a program, we will choose the person. If the choice is between a nice facility or more shepherds, the choice is shepherds. Every decision will be bathed in prayer and opportunity will not be the gauge to action. God will dictate the action. Am I listening and am I making decisions based on what God values?
3. The construction material of the church is people. Jesus was a carpenter he built things but we have no record of Him ever building a structure, but He is building His church. What is the church? People called, who respond, who commit, who live and grow into those who know Jesus and make Him known. The New Testament does not contain one building being built to house the church. Not one. The church was simply a group of people who believed that Jesus is who He says He is and they could do what the Bible said they could do. They were committed to that. Why is it if that is true the lions share of a churches budget is designated toward paying for buildings? Scary but very good question. What are we building?
To be continued…