Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mom for a day...

I don’t know what I was thinking! I guess I got caught up in the moment planning our new message series (Trading Spaces) and lost my mind. It seemed like a good idea to take Stacey’s place for a day (my wife), but now I am having second thoughts. She gets up so early and stays up late and never stops! My usual agenda is watching the latest Dirty Jobs or Myth busters. What even makes it worse is that it is going to be filmed! We will air the video on Mother’s Day (that should be a real embarrassment) . Holy cow I am not ready to be a mom! Pray for me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hippity, Hoppity...well its over now.

I must admit as I type with a Christian hangover from four Easter services, I am both tired and happy! Easter was more successful than we could have ever imagined. Let me give you a snap shot of our Easter…It began Thursday night at Celebrate Recovery with 142 people gathering to find answers to life’s difficult problems. Then 0n Friday night the Children’s Center played host to an outreach that was led by the Children themselves, they were challenged to bring their friends and they did! 175 children and adults packed the Children’s Center to worship, and learn about the Easter story. Saturday morning found 74 kids and adults in the preschool center hunting Easter eggs and discussing the resurrection. Then Saturday night, twice Sunday morning, and Monday night Mercy’s Cross Church campus was filled with people coming to hear about Jesus, 991 total for our Easter services. So if you look at the numbers I would say that Easter was a success! 1382 people.