Yesterday I was at home alone doing research on our current message series. That in itself is nothing unusual; it is something I do all the time. The difference is my research was on Demons and Satan, not topics I spend a lot of time on. I was trying to find some artist’s rendering of Satan for the video we are shooting today. Remember I said I was home alone. Let me make a confession right now. I don’t like scary movies or sad movies. The reason is both of them make me leak water. The sad one’s make me cry and the scary ones make me wet my pants! No kidding I am a scaredy cat when it comes to that kind of stuff. Did I mention I was home alone looking at pictures of demons and Satan?
I navigated to a site that had different images of demons and such, all of a sudden this scary laughter comes over the speakers. It was creepy, real creepy. I thought to myself “Oh dang, I have opened up the demonic portal, the equivalent to cyber Ouija board!” Then I started hearing things in the house, stuff creaking, and strange bumps. So I ran throughout the house and turned on all the lights, and I turned off the TV (I did remember that kid that got sucked into the TV, so I thought I wouldn’t take any chances). I searched to find my silver bullets and wooden stakes, but I felt like they might not work against Satan himself, since he’s not a werewolf or a vampire. I was fresh out of Holy Water so I gathered up a half bottle of Dasani and gave it a quick prayer and thought that might work in a pinch. About that time lights flashed against the front of the house and I thought “They are outside trying to get in!” I knew locking the doors wouldn’t help since the Devil and his demons could surely pick locks! Sure enough the dead bolt began to turn and then the door knob. I was completely ready with my one cross necklace, half bottle of Holy Dasani, and every light on in the house. I thought to myself “come on in big boy and you are going to get burnt by some holy soft drink.” Then I heard his voice. It sounded strangely like Stacey’s. “Just as I suspected Angels are men and demons are women.” Just as I was poised to slosh the Holy weaponry, Stacey stepped in and asked “What are you doing?” With my “I’ve got every thing under control face on” I calmly took a drink and told her that I was checking for shorts in the electrical system that could be causing higher electric bills. What else am I going to say? “Thought you were the devil and I was going to have to kill you with bottled water and a plastic cross.” No thanks, she has enough to laugh at.
The night might not have been as dramatic as I have storied about here, but I do have to admit looking up those images and doing that research at home alone made me aware of our enemy. But at the same time, I also recognize the mighty weapons we have are given to us by a mighty God. Unlike in the movies, it isn’t our strength or our weapons that will give us the victory over the enemy, it is the power of God working through us that will secure the win.
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Cor 10:4-5 NIV